
335 113-7 shunting at Muhldorf Depot

Thursday, 24 December 2009

7mm SPA Progress

I've completed the assembly of the first of the 7mm kits I've been working on, and I think the result is quite reasonable given the fairly rough and ready nature of the mouldings.

The lack of believable brake levers led to a rummaging through the 'bits' box; parts were borrowed from the leftovers from previous kits, one side from a Grampus the other from a VGA. It goes to emphasise why you should never through anything away.

All that remains is to give it a coat of Railfreight 'flame red', and apply transfers.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Stock Weathering

I've been spending some spare time working on the new stock I have acquired for Widnes road lately. I try not to run anything 'out the box' for too long; so the new Class 25 has now had buffers replaced, detail parts added, and using 1500 grade wet and dry I have taken the shine off the body work.

I spent a couple of hours this afternoon weathering it and this shows the end result. A combination of Carr's weathering powders and a light airbrushing with three tones going from frame dirt and brake dust to smoke black.