
335 113-7 shunting at Muhldorf Depot

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Making tracks...

A concerted push this autumn has resulted in some great progress on my German HO scale layout. All the trackwork is laid, point motors fitted and decoders added and it has all been tested. With this major hurdle cleared the basic structure of the scenery can be formed. Apologies for the slightly rough and ready nature of the landscape, these photos basically show an equivalent to a first draft or sketch, so that changes can be made. Buildings and structures are just roughly placed before being properly bedded in once a satisfactory position is achieved.

These photos show the far left end, roughly a quarter of the scenic element of the layout, where the mainline enters from an alpine valley before crossing a river valley. The first tress have been placed to gain an idea of scale and perspective, many hundreds more to be added.