
335 113-7 shunting at Muhldorf Depot

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Widnes Road - goes electric

Although I've been threatening for some time to get around to fitting Over-head Line Equipment to the rest of Widnes Road, and at the same time prepare a fleet of 25Kv AC Electrics; I have now finally got the majority complete, and tested, along with fitting signalling equipment including lineside cabinets etc. The results can be seen in these new photos and in the flesh at  the Croydon (13-14/10) and Shoeburyness (24-25/11) model rail shows. 

The new fleet comprises 2 backdated and repainted Heljan Class 86's, an extensively reworked and remotored Hornby 86 and two of the new Bachmann class 85's. At shows this will be supplemented by other Blue AC electrics owned by Mid Essex MRC member Tim Mercer.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Widnes Road - 15th Anniversary Issue - Model Rail October 2012

The bumper 15th Anniversary Issue of Model Rail arrived to day, and one of the three featured layouts is Widnes Road, as photographed by Chris Nevard in January this year along with a re-located Acton Mainline, now named Dragonby. I have included only a single image below (the one that is reproduced on RMWeb), as it is only fair to Model Rail to encourage you to go and purchase a copy yourselves. I will wait until the magazine is off sale before I post any other images (assuming that's OK Chris? :) )

 I am very pleased with how the photographs and the overall article have turned out. I have since acquired a small fleet of BR Blue 25Kv electrics so the overall feel of the layout has already moved on since the pictures were taken, so plenty of new elements to see when I take it to Croydon and shoeburyness shows later in the year. First up is Croydon on the 13th and 14th of October, hope to see lots of people there.