
335 113-7 shunting at Muhldorf Depot

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Widnes Road - Update

As of mid-July, the 2 new boards are built, the track has been constructed of a mix of standard ABS plastic and Timber-tracks track panels with C&L railchairs with code 83 flat-bottom rail.

After the track is laid on Tillig track base to give super-elevation Stage 2 is to airbrush the track with various shades of track dirt and rust, followed by picking out all the railchairs with Railmatch Dark or Light Rust as appropriate. Stage 3 is the usual ballasting operation using Woodland Scenics Fine ballast, sprayed 1st with a dilluted water / washing up liquid mixture then PVA coloured with Burnt Sienna acrylic paint.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Back from a rail trip round Germany and Belgium

I've posted another few highlights from a week long trip round Germany and Belgium, taking in Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin, Cologne, Brussels and Charleroi, and there is a link to my flickr site with far more for those who are interested here: